North Yorkshire Council


Health and Adult Services


Executive Member Meeting


13th December 2024


REPORT TO Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services (HAS) in consultation with the

Executive Member for Health and Adult Services


Procurement of Background Support Services at Esk Moors Lodge



1.0          Purpose Of Report


To seek approval to proceed with the commissioning of a new contract for Background Support Services at Esk Moors Lodge Extra Care scheme.




2.0          Executive Summary

Esk Moors Lodge is the smallest Extra Care scheme in North Yorkshire with 14 units of accommodation, the scheme operates with a very tight local connection requirement which ensures the local community are able to access the provision.


Due to the size of Esk Moors Lodge, the traditional model of funding 24/7 Background Support through individual service charges is not viable and the scheme is supported by a block contract.


This paper seeks approval to commence the commissioning process for a new provider of background support services at Esk Moors Lodge from October 2025.



3.0          Background


3.1          Service Background

Owned and operated by Abbeyfield Housing Association, the scheme is the smallest in North Yorkshire with 14 units of accommodation which reflects the extremely rural nature of the local area. The local connection agreed as part of the s106 which underpins the scheme is very tight geographically, this ensures that local people are able to access the provision and it does not become somewhere that people move into the area for.


Esk Moors lodge has proved highly popular with minimal voids and short turnarounds throughout its operational lifespan. The scheme also incorporates the ‘Bradbury Centre’ which acts as a community facility for Castleton and the surrounding small villages.


Like all North Yorkshire Extra Care schemes, Esk Moors Lodge provides a 24/7 on site background support service which provides ad hoc support should a person need short term additional support due to illness, return from hospital / admission prevention etc.


In other Extra Care Housing schemes, this is funded via service charges paid by tenants, either directly or funded by NYC and / or Housing Benefit.  In a standard size scheme of 60+ units service charges of ~£40 per week are sufficient to fund this service entirely. Due to the size of Esk Moors Lodge, funding the service in this way would create service charges which were unaffordable, as such since the beginning of the scheme NYCC / NYC has supported the scheme with a block payment and has commissioned a provider to deliver the service.


Since 2021 this service has been delivered by Community Integrated Care (CiC), the current contract expires on 30th September 2025.



4.0 Proposal


4.1 Proposed Contract


Market engagement has been completed with 5 responses received all of which indicated an interest in bidding for the service based on a draft specification and indicative budget allocation. This level of response (which is an improvement on 2021) gives confidence that a successful tender process can be completed and provider appointed.


In order to secure a longer-term position at Esk Moors Lodge, and create a more attractive offer to providers, it is intended to offer a 4 year contract with two options to extend for two years each (4++2+2)  rather than the shorter contracts used previously. This will allow a provider to plan for the longer term by investing in the workforce and wider community care offer. Robust contract management will be in place and scheme governance arrangements will be developed between NYC, Housing and Care providers to ensure effective, joined up delivery at the scheme.


The service specification will be updated to ensure compliance with all relevant legislation and guidance. Sections relating to partnership working and staffing will be strengthened to address the challenges in these areas experienced under the current contract.


4.2 Alternative Options Considered


In House provision: This was explored with Care Provider Services for NYC. Due to the rural nature of the scheme and lack of other nearby services to draw resources from it would not be viable for Care Provider Services to take on the delivery of services at Esk Moors.


Integrated Housing and Care Provider: Initial discussions were held with Abbeyfield on the potential for an integrated Housing and Care offer, however this would not align with Abbeyfield’s current capacity.



5.0          Financial Implications

The service is funded through base budgets and income from Background Support services delivered by Care Provider Services, the maximum value for the tender will be set at £175,000 per annum.


6.0          Conclusion and reason for recommendation/s

Esk Moors Lodge is an important service providing Extra Care into a deeply rural part of North Yorkshire, allowing local people to stay in their community with support. Securing a long term partner for the delivery of care will secure the future of the scheme.



7.0       Recommendation


That the Corporate Director in consultation with the Executive Member approve the start of the commissioning process for Background Support services at Esk Moors Lodge.


Mike Rudd

Head of Supported Housing

County Hall


13th December 2024